Children's Ministry
Deacon: Jared Olbricht

The Children's Ministry at Chase Park church of Christ is focused on nurturing the spiritual growth of our children, and does so by partnering with parents to build a firm foundation leading to a life of service to our Lord.
The Children's Ministry includes three ministry areas:
Little Lights (infants through Pre-Kindergarten)
Kindergarten through Third Grade
Fourth Grade through Sixth Grade
The ministry serves as an aid to parents in their efforts to raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4, NASB). This is achieved through praise, service, and fellowship.
Each month there is a devotional for the children and their families allowing us the privilege to come before the throne of our Father offering prayers and songs of praise, and studying His word.
Throughout each year opportunities are available for our children to use the talents they have been blessed with to serve others. The specific service efforts allow the opportunity for our children to serve those within the church and our community.
Activities are held throughout the year with the intent of building friendships and establishing relationships among our children and their families. These friendships help to strengthen and encourage our children as they shine their light for Christ.
Children's Bible Classes
Winter 2024-25, Dec-Feb