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Who Are the People at the Chase Park Church of Christ? 


Our Vision

To be the New Testament Church lifting up Christ in North Alabama and throughout the world.


The Chase Park Church of Christ is a growing, Bible-centered, and friendly church.  We are a diverse congregation, reflecting the fact that God's church is for all people.  We have all ages from newborns to those in their 90's and beyond.  Professionally we have everything from students to retirees.  We have business owners, managers, engineers, teachers, office workers, and everything else in between.  Educationally, we have everything from those who have not spent much time in school to PhD's.  All this diversity can exist because we all seek to simply be one in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 


The Chase Park congregation endeavors to simply follow the New Testament pattern for the Lord's church.  We do not consider ourselves a denomination, Catholic, or Protestant.  We are simply members of the church that Jesus established and bought with His own blood (Acts 20:28; Matthew 16:13-19).  That is why we identify ourselves as the Church of Christ - not as a denominational designation, but as a descriptive term, indicating that we belong to Jesus Christ because we do that which He commands (John 8:31).


Chase Park is a family of brothers and sisters in Christ who share a gift of love, strength, joy, and hope.  We strive earnestly to live according to the truth as instructed in God's Holy Word, the Bible.  Simply put, we want to be followers of Christ and encourage others to do the same.  We are not perfect and we would never claim to be such.  Daily, like you, we struggle with sin and are in need of the forgiveness that comes from the grace of God.  However, every day we seek to overcome sin and be more like our perfect Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is a lifelong journey with our Lord and our fellow Christians.  We encourage all people to join us on this journey which will see its conclusion in heaven for all eternity after we leave this life. 


We are:

  • A church seeking to do great things for a great God

  • A church with interest in our mature members

  • A church with a great love for children

  • A church that embraces the spiritual growth of our teenagers

  • A church which believes in the abilities of young people

  • A church of growing and happy people that serve God

  • A church with a mission-minded concern about people around the world

  • A church that longs for you to visit with us and be a part of God's wonderful family at Chase Park.




9:00 A.M. Worship

10:15 A.M. Bible Classes

5:00 P.M. Worship 


6:30 P.M. Bible Study - Adult & Youth

                                       Bible Classes


1640 Winchester Rd. N.E.

Huntsville, AL 35811



(256) 852-3801

Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-3:00 PM

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